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Manny Rayner's book reviews

I love reviewing books - have been doing it at Goodreads, but considering moving here.

Currently reading

The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution
Richard Dawkins
R in Action
Robert Kabacoff
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies
Douglas R. Hofstadter
McGee on Food and Cooking: An Encyclopedia of Kitchen Science, History and Culture
Harold McGee
Epistemic Dimensions of Personhood
Simon Evnine
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics)
Christopher M. Bishop
Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology
Richard C. Tolman
The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition
Julia Herschensohn, Martha Young-Scholten
Don Juan - George Gordon Byron, T.G. Steffan, Peter  J. Manning, Susan J. Wolfson Byron's famous verse-novel is kind of uneven, but when he's on form it's both moving and witty. My favorite sequences are near the beginning, when the beautiful Donna Julia has fallen in love with young Juan and is having qualms of conscience. First she decides that she can no longer continue to see him, but then she reconsiders. After all, that would be selfish of her! It's just a question of keeping her feelings under control, and she could help him so much:
He might be taught, by love and her together—
I really don't know what, nor Julia either.